Friday, April 15, 2011

Movement Phase

 Due to the unpredictable height of the ball, the hip and knee joint must adapt to the height of the ball when flexing the hip and the knee in the sagittal plane, along the mediolateral axis of rotation. As the ball is coming towards you, flex your dominant hip joint with your knee flexed as well. Once the ball is within reaching distance,  slightly flex you trunk, plantarflex your ankle joint, and extend your knee joint to strike the ball.
Muscles used- Abdominals

Hip Joint:
Muscles used- Iliopsoas and Rectus Femoris (Concentric)

Knee Joint:
Muscles used- Biceps femoris, Semi-tendinosus, and Semi-membranosus (Concentric)
Muscles used- Biceps femoris, Semi-tendinosus, and Semi-membranosus (Eccentric)

Ankle Joint:
Muscles used- Gastrocnemius, Soleus, and Plantaris (Concentric)

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